Thursday, 22 September 2011

My TV clips

The magical power of Romantic Love By Cate Mackenzie

The eternal quest for romantic love moves through humans like a river longs for the ocean. Effervescent, ever present and unfathomable, when romantic love finds you and embraces you it can feel like a romantic film: amazing, difficult, overwhelming. To be touched deeply by another brings the sweetest sensations of care, memories of love and fears of being left, taken over or demanded upon. Romantic love can be a gateway to spirit, where you are given direct communion to your God/Goddess self. You are also given the opportunity to clear any patterns of shame and unworthiness or ways you have been hiding from the world. Partnering with another being consciously helps to incarnate you on the earth plane and supports you to embody your truth and purpose. When you join heart, mind, body and soul with another it is one of the deepest therapies you can engage with. You can emerge lighter, more grounded, freer and living in your truth.

I believe that if anyone truly wants romantic love they can have it. First try asking yourself these questions: Are you willing to stand naked in the face of love and witness your true power? Are you ready to go on a journey to know yourself and come into your truth and creativity? Are you able to open and let go? If you can allow this state of active receptivity you will receive what comes your way - magnetising all that you want towards you, including a soulmate. This is a mastery of tuning in, following the flow and stepping into creation.

As you align your path with love in this way, you emanate a state of being in love. You are so vibrant that the walls between realities become thinner and your soul mate, playmate or lover may show up in a surprising way. Remember that a deep connection between two lovers brings a huge charge of light, opening each person up and testing serenity as core issues are brought up. At this point it can be tempting to push your partner away. Some people may not know how to communicate well about all these new feelings. Many relationships can stay stuck in deadness or drama where feelings are shut down and suppressed or anger and aggression is dumped onto the other.

The way through this flux of passionate attraction and emotional turbulence is choosing a loving committed path. This will support you to grow through relationship and to bust any feelings of shame. As you treat your mate with care and consideration, you live in a way that mirrors trust and love for yourself. The world is now a friendly place and it’s seen that you and your mate deserve kindness, peace and joy. The magic of this choice is that you start to appreciate and become more loving to each other. You may be amazed how much love you now receive from your partner and how your ways of being are complementary. One partner, for example, may have a beautiful way of trusting in the moment and looking at the clouds and the trees, and the other may encourage dreaming and planning. This journey can bring you into oneness, truth and the deepest sense of being fully loved and free.

Treat this person as The One. For today they are The One, and if they are not the energy will disappear and you will find another. While the energy is there, commit completely to love and to loving this person, be in the moment as much as you can and try not to project too much into the future. We never know whether we have someone for a day, a month or a life time, so appreciate them and their love for you. You are a whole universe and your mate is too, and it takes time to get to know each other. As you come into knowing your love and loving them you arrive in the presence of love. This is the place you dreamed of but never dared to believe in and it heals you and all around you.


1 Work out what you want and request it.

2 Talk about important issues face to face.

3 Create agreements around things like money, space and boundaries.

4 Agree to keep talking until things are clear. Remember the bumps are part of getting to know each other.

5 Don't talk about work or heavy issues if you can late at night or in bed.

6 Praise your partner a lot.

7 If you are in a stalemate, hold the idea that there is a solution between you, even if you do not know what it is.

8 There is only love or fear. What we give we receive.

9 If you or your partner is being attacking or defensive, come back to love. Stroke their face or tummy and affirm their beauty.

10 You do not have to sort everything out now - allow the process to unfold.

11 If you are pushing for something stop for a moment and pull back - spaciousness shifts problems.

12 Be with your partner silently - gaze into each others eyes or hold each other.

Cate Mackenzie is a Love Coach, Workshop Leader and Artist specialising in helping people to open their hearts to love. She has been working with people since 1993 and works in Chelsea in London. Her heart paintings are being sold in 72 countries through IKEA and she has a CD out to “Open Your Heart”. Her web site is

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

I am love (author unknown) affirmation

I am a magnet for love

Love is above me
Love is below me
Love is around me
Love is within me

I am a magnet for love
I am a magnet for love
I am a magnet for love

Affirmation to release limits or blocks from Damian Nola

By Divine Decree and through God/Goddess and my own mighty I am Presence under the laws of Grace, Karma, love, Oneness, Liberty, forgiveness and Divinity. I now break across all space time dimension any agreements, contracts or oaths I may have made not to receive light of my higher consciousness within embodiment.

I break all agreements that I may have made that I am not divine and that I am seperate in any way from the whole of life.

I break all agreements I may have made to deny in any way the love and the light and the holy power that lives in my heart and to hold this bound or closed in any way.

I break any agreements that it is not possible to fully embody and experience and express my holy communion with God here.

I break all agreements I may have made across all space time dimensions that to live embodied I must reject God or my feelings and that I must pretend and mask who I am.

An affirmation to bring in a wonderful partner (author unknown)

The wish for a wonderful partner (this is a magical affirmation say it with meaning and watch it come true)

I am now open and ready to let a
deep and fulfilling love into my life.

I create space and time in my life so my wonderful partner will feel welcome.

At this very moment, my partner is just as willing as me to enter into a wonderful relationship.

With the power of my thoughts I am drawing a soul mate towards me.

Our ways will cross with the same inevitability as night follows day.

I will stop searching because I am deeply certain that the energies of my cosmic order will manifest themselves at this very moment.

Everything is prepared and ready in a most wonderful way.
I know that the right partner for me exists and will enter into my life.

I know that my partner is not perfect but he is perfect for me. He will help me to recognise my own limitations, to explore my faults and work on them.

Through him I will get closer to myself, day after day, week after week, year after year.

Through him I will get closer to myself than would have been possible without him/her.

Through him I get in touch with my wonderful deep self as well as with my unloved parts.

Because I am loving I am ready to show myself in the way I really am. My partner, too, is allowed to be him/herself.

Love is the driving and supporting power in this relationship.

Because of my partner I grow and mature and become great and I am able to show this.

I show all my patience, my determination, my loyalty, my fears and fearless.

I am ready to allow and tolerate closeness. I am open and free enough to accept the power of love.

I let go everything that might restrict this inner freedom.

I let go of the idea of myself as a single person and already consider myself a partner in a fulfilling relationship.

My partner is in my life already.
He is here and I sense his/her presence.

You are wholeheartedly welcome in my life.

Friday, 8 July 2011



You were born as pure love and you are pure consciousness. In fact you are one with everything and with all around you. Before you came onto this earth plane you agreed to discover separation and be born into a body. In this body you have discovered an “I” and being a person which has caused you to believe that you can be isolated and apart from other people. The truth is that your body is a portal for consciousness and that consciousness is moving through you and wants to move through you right now. As you allow consciousness to move through you, and you open to what is possible, that is when you allow soul mates or creative projects or magic wishes to happen and come true.

The idea is that we are either in contraction or expansion, fear or love. When we are contracted it is difficult for consciousness to move through us but when we open and allow then anything could happen at any time. There is nothing amazing you need to do for this to happen. All you need to realise; is that you can wake up right now to who you are and realise this is your film, and you are creating everything that is happening good and bad. In fact there is no good or bad there is only love and consciousness.

Soulmates, as you probably know, are people who come close to us in this particular life time. They could be a family member or friend and they can bring up difficult learnings or easy support. Whoever they are they are important mirrors of you to support you to come out of isolation and to know love and connection. Some of the biggest soulmate connections can be the most difficult but they can be very important because they help you to “Wake Up”. This journey is ultimately a beautiful awakening to love, to oneness, to realising that you are one with everything. It does not matter whether you are single or with a partner, what matters is to know you are love to to awaken to this. Then we realise that we are all connected all the time and there is no separation. All journeys lead us to this non-duality to oneness and there are no mistakes and you are always all right. Creativity, love making, birthing a child and being, all connect us to being channels. Being you you leads you into knowing you are love.

Sexual or romantic soulmates can also give wonderful experiences as they help us to incarnate on this earth plane, arrive and come into our bodies and plan and create our “gardens” here. When two people come together in a sacred union, abundance can happen and they build more than they might as one person. When there is a flourishing connection people grow and strengthen as people and they plan and create together. The important thing is not to make this all about the other. This is your journey and your film. One of the biggest parts of a sexually intimate loving soulmate is that with love there is a great charge that happens between two people and a huge amount of healing can happen. In this charge a lot of light gets downloaded and whatever your stories are about “not love” or separation can come up. So it is at this point that you can feel strongly your needs, jealousy, fear of abandonment, engulfment or overwhelm. If you remember that it will help you when the issues come up. In other words the other person is there to help you feel your vulnerability and go deeper into love, they are not abandoning you, their presence is helping you to feel the parts of you that feel abandoned. Remember too we are lent people whether it is for a day or a life time and to treat them with kindness and respect.

So when people ask “how may I meet my soul mate” I ask “are you ready to?”. For the key here is not do they exist for everything you can imagine exists right now (because you created it anyway) the key is can you keep your heart open enough to allow this person in and feel the pain and ecstasy of love and not love. Can you allow your own essence to meld with another and still come back to you and being present in your own life and can you dare be true in the face of such fire. Are you ready for love and nakedness and to reveal your depths with another and know that you are always in union with the divine all the time?

If you are then call your lover in, they have waited for you a long time. Call them in and tell them you are ready for them and are prepared to meet them. Practice opening your heart, surrender and let go to love and allow, allow, allow. They will turn up,

The key to all this is you. It is like being a runner in a marathon. You start with running for 5 minutes a day, then 20 then half an hour then an hour. So it is with your heart and staying open, it is a practice and developing a capacity for love. Put your hands on your heart every day and allow a connection with your heart to build. Meditate on your heart and your essence and on love and coming into love. You can have anything you want check in with whether you are ready and have the heart capacity to receive it. Then say the affirmation below with full intention and meaning and watch for the signs.

Below is an affirmation I was given with love, I do not know the author

I am now open and ready to let a

deep and fulfilling love into my life.

I create space and time in my life so my wonderful partner will feel welcome.

At this very moment, my partner is just as willing as me to enter into a wonderful relationship.

With the power of my thoughts I am drawing a soul mate towards me.

Our ways will cross with the same inevitability as night follows day.

I will stop searching because I am deeply certain that the energies of my cosmic order will manifest themselves at this very moment.

Everything is prepared and ready in a most wonderful way.

I know that the right partner for me exists and will enter into my life.

I know that my partner is not perfect but he/she is perfect for me. He will help me to recognise my own limitations, to explore my faults and work on them.


My partner is in my life already.

He/she is here and I sense his/her presence.

You are wholeheartedly welcome in my life.