Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Living from the Heart

For me Living from the Heart is about doing what I love and one of the things I love is running my community arts workshops. One of these groups is a homeless and mental health group I run at www.baronscourtproject.org.
I teach drama, dance and coach people there regularly and have being doing so for the last 5 years. I have a few people who have regularly come for the whole time I have been there and I really value their commitment to coming and to trying new things out. Sometimes I have wondered whether I can make a real difference to people when the goals might not be about getting a job but might be more about feeling steady in your life or doing a creative project or even having a weekend away (which can be a very brave thing to do for some) or learning how to speak up for yourself. But I have learned so much from this lovely group of people that I can make a difference and I have learned about the importance of love, commitment and consistency. It has felt, to me, that if people have a safe place to go or be when they feel vulnerable then they can have an opportunity to get some steadiness and from this place they can grow their wings however small or big. And it does not matter how big the wings are. What matters is that people are loved and accepted and have a safe place where they can feel this.

I feel that we all need a safe place to go and that safe place is ultimately coming inside ourselves and into relationship with ourselves. So what is it that helps you feel safe enough to come inside yourself?

I know for me that my workshops and connections with others are very important, my community arts grounds me and takes me straight into a feeling of soul love but I also need Turkish baths, I need to melt in the heat of a sauna and really let go, I need to dance and feel the flow of the divine and I need to see the sea and my beloved Welsh Mountains in South Wales where I spent my childhood holidays with my Welsh family. For me the key is to know what grounds you and keeps you safe and connected, to make sure you do this regularly and then from here to allow your dreams to flourish.

The Barons Court Project is one of these safe havens for people. It is a lovely house in West Kensington and has the feeling of coming into a home. People can come have a delicious meal, sit in the garden, shower, wash their clothes, get medical advice and attention, learn computors, watch television, talk to other people and the fantastic staff.

Email me if you have any questions.

Wishing you love in your hearts, communion with your dreams, ability to share your gifts and opportunities to share who you are

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