Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Heart Coaching

I am a Life Coach who coaches people into their hearts.

Living a good life is about Living from the Heart and being in your truth and in the absolute centre of who you are. When you live in your heart you know your purpose and your truth and you are connected to your own inner voice and intuition which guides you and leads you to where you need to go. If you could allow yourself to move into your heart and your truth you can move into a place of deep joy and peace and it is from this place that you are able to create a beautiful life. For when you are in your heart you are living from who you really are. The heart has great intelligence and will give you wonderful guidance about who to be and how to be. Working with the heart means becoming aware of and releasing blocks in your heart. It means learning to love yourself and starting to treat yourself well and from here starting to create the life of your dreams. When you are in your heart, much more seems possible and it seems as if you can make things come true which you can. It’s a bit like when the aerial on your TV works well and you get a good picture. When you are clear and centred in your heart you can also create a clear and good picture in your life. This is really the quality of manifestation, when we are really clear about what we are and what we want (in a heart and feeling sense) then what is true, relevant and needed has a tendency of turning up.

Benefits of Life Coaching

Having a relationship with yourself

Being centred in yourself

Being connected to your life purpose

Being able to attract a partner

Improving your relationships

Focus and achieve your career goals

Create a work/life balance


Improve your health, wellbeing and presentation skills

Hints on supporting yourself to create your work

Hints on visioning your work and supporting yourself to create it

1 Think about what your gifts are.

What is special and particular to you? If you can start to acknowledge yourself and your gifts it can make a big difference to how you feel and how you are in the world. If you can start to own who you are and feel that in a bodily sense (not just in your head but all they way through your body) it can make a big difference with connecting to your purpose. Breath in and feel into your body with your breath and start to acknowledge yourself with your breath as you breathe in and out. Right now you are great and perfect just as you are. Think about people you admire for they can help you with mirroring who you really are. What you see in others is very often in you it just may be more unconscious or hidden but with some work it can come out. How would that make you feel? Who do you admire and what do you admire about them. If you could be them for a day what would you do? What have you been doing with your life so far and what new things would you like to bring to your vision? A vision is often quite simple and made up of simple components. Feel into what you would really love your working life to feel and look like. For example nine years ago I talked with two people about my dream for my work and I was an International Workshop leader and Life Coach with books and art about the heart. Very simple and because it is so simple it is something which I can work on and create the steps to get there. The feeling I wanted was to be able to give love and visit people around the world in a creative and constructive way.

2 Create a Goals Group.

Find one or more people who you can talk about your dreams and wishes and agree certain weekly or monthly goals- you can do this with friends or colleagues. As you talk about your goals more and more ideas will come, you could be amazed.

3 Keep a goals book

Keep a little book of all your goals. On the first page write your top goals. Then each night write a list for the next day of how you are connecting and continuing with these goals. So on my first page I have a list of my top goals

1 Book

2 Coaching

3 Workshops

4 Health

5 Film

Then each day I make a list of how I can connect to these goals even in a small way. So today I am writing my book and my blog, I have had a little walk and done some coaching and I am seeing my supervisor who I will talk to about my goals for my work.

4Give Give Give

Engage in allowing yourself to be loving to others. What people may not realise is that when you are not charming you can often seem not friendly or even rude. I encourage people a lot to engage in being charming in giving compliments and even gifts. It is very important to learn to engage with others. If you ever have an opportunity to observe someone who is has developed themselves and is comfortable in their skin you may notice how they can gracefully engage with anyone and they will dare take the steps towards them and with genuine grace connect with them in a very gentle and humane way. Also give what you can without expectation, you may find I amazing how this helps you connect and to create the business you want. I am always giving away information on events and things to do and even when I give my business card away it is often received well because the card has a lovely heart on it. So think if you can make your information about yourself something lovely to receive. Also if you make yourself as lovely as you can with how you are and how you look then you also make yourself very pleasant for others. Also as you probably know as you give so shall you receive so if you do voluntary work in the area you are interested in working in then you are quite likely to meet people you can impress with your talents and get work. If you give to charities or people you are drawn to giving to you allow money to flow in your your life and it will flow back to you. (Part of this is the giving helps you to trust and let go and this enables you to become more open as a person).

5 Find out what you are scared to do and do it

Often what you are scared of is actually sacred for you. Something you are scared of holds energy for you and is what you actually need in some way to integrate in yourself. I think that that relates to all areas in life including phobias (phobias are obviously a lot deeper but if you could look into what the thing you are afraid of). If you look at the symbolism of the thing you are afraid of then you could look at integrating the energy of what you need. The snake is symbolic of sexuality, spiders are symbolic of creativity and control (weaving a web), wasps and bees having a powerful sting.

6 Clearing Resistance, getting focussed

Get really clear about what you want. If you can get so clear that you are like a clear television set and you can see the picture of what you want as clearly as that then you will be able to bring it in. If you start to imagine what you want and you can feel resistance or a blurring or a distance with the image then you are blocked in some way and you need to do some work around this. A good friend or a good coach or psychotherapist can help you with resistance. To start with you need to understand that you are resistant and why you might be resistant. Do you feel that someone owes you a living or are you hoping to be rescued in some way? Are you finding that things that you wanted are not coming your way? If you think about it are there any difficult feelings? Though there some situations where it is right and clear that they should not happen and later on in retrospect you can see why things should not have worked out. But for many situations the reason why they are not happening may well be your own internal blocks and it is worth finding out what they are and seeing if you are ready to clear them and move to your next level.

Get someone to help you see your subconscious resistances and start to work to release them. I have been talking to my Supervisor about my resistance and we have been talking about looking at the opposite of resistance and asking for for more (money, work, opportunities, growth) and moving out of being in a tight emotional space and opening more. How would you feel to really open and really grow? What would you really like if you could imagine your perfect life?

7 Getting Support

Anyone successful will have an enormous amount of help. Sometimes I think it is difficult for people to realise or take this on board but it is worth getting yourself very supported in all the areas that you need. I have a therapist, a supervisor, a homeopath, an acupuncturist and and training and groups I go to as well as family and friends. I also have various mentors and support people and time that I give myself to meditate and connect with myself and know what I need.

8 Are you ready to go to the power of 10

How would you feel about expansion? How would you feel about growing further, really focussing and achieving more? We are often growing at a certain pace in our lives but we sometimes need to check- Could I go further? Am I ready to go further? My friend Clemens Brennan calls this going to the power of 10. This is when we really can reach and energise ourselves more. Some people may never want to do this and some people are raring to go and some people just need a little help or tweak to help them make the shift. My friend asked me whether I would like to speak to an audience of 900 people and I said that I would. I surprised myself with that answer but it may me realise that I am ready to grow to another level. I have been going to see amazing speakers recently and it has been an astounding experience for me to see the great art of some of these people. But it can be really great to see people you admire doing there thing and it can help you to make an energetic shift and start to see your next level of growth as you integrate the lessons.

Images from 44 Portland Place

Thursday 7th May “How to expand your business” with Cate Mackenzie 6.30pm, free,
www.44portlandplace.org.uk, info@44portlandplace.org.uk, 020 7079 2855. A talk on how to build your confidence and create an expanded vision of your working life. If you had no fear what would you like your working life to look like? What is the best you could imagine?

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

What is Coaching from the heart?

Coaching from the Heart with Cate Mackenzie
Helping you to make your dreams come true through opening into love

Living a good life is about Living from the Heart and being in your truth and in the absolute centre of who you are. When you live in your heart you know your purpose and your truth and you are connected to your own inner voice and intuition which guides you and leads you to where you need to go. If you could allow yourself to move into your heart and your truth you can move into a place of deep joy and peace and it is from this place that you are able to create a beautiful life. For when you are in your heart you are living from who you really are. The heart has great intelligence and will give you wonderful guidance about who to be and how to be. Working with the heart means becoming aware of and releasing blocks in your heart. It means learning to love yourself and starting to treat yourself well and from here starting to create the life of your dreams. When you are in your heart, much more seems possible and it seems as if you can make things come true which you can. It’s a bit like when the aerial on your TV works well and you get a good picture. When you are clear and centred in your heart you can also create a clear and good picture in your life. This is really the quality of manifestation, when we are really clear about what we are and what we want (in a heart and feeling sense) then what is true, relevant and needed has a tendency of turning up.

Are there areas of your life that you feel are not working or could do with a shift or change. Have you let go of dreams that you would like to bring to life? Are you single when you would really like a partner or do you feel your life is out of balance in some way?
Whether you want to feel more confident or whether you want to achieve a certain goal life coaching can really make a big difference in anyone’s life. I believe passionately that anyone can achieve what they really want in their lives and start to live the life of their wildest dreams. Much of the time it is about really appreciating who you are, recognising your gifts and talents and moving beyond the fear into a place of trust and love.
With the right Life Coach you can be supported to make the shifts you want to make looking at where you want to be and how you are going to get there. With Life Coaching you work through your negative beliefs, while acknowledging your abilities and making steps towards your personal action plan. Once you genuinely commit to your path you may be surprised how simple it can be to turn wishes into realities. Coaching helps you focus and build your confidence.
Benefits of Life Coaching
Dating and having a partner
Improving your relationship
Finding out what you want to do and doing it
Fulfilling your career goals
Earn a living through your creativity
Achieve a work/life balance
Balancing your life and your health

Contact details for Coaching
Telephone 08708747123 (national rate)

What are Open Your Heart workshops like?

Open your Heart Workshops are run as day workshops, weekend and week long retreats as well as shorter workshops and talks. The theme is always a journey into the heart to see where the heart needs to be healed and where someone could open and expand their energy more.

The day workshops involve meditation, a lot of dance, much connecting in partnerships, boundary work involving becoming really clear about saying Yes and No and acting these out with a partner, visualisation, sometimes writing and sometimes art depending on the group and the situation.

The day will start with an easy ice breaker of choosing objects from a selection of trinkets placed on the floor. Each person will then introduce themselves through talking about why they chose their objects. There will also be some partner work to connect with why they are here, to talk through how their heart is, what they want and what is blocking them. I may then do a meditation to connect them with their heart if appropriate to the group. I engage them in a lot of creative dance which is fun and sensual and gets them into their bodies and into their hearts. I choose music which are mainly classic tracks from different eras which connect to love and the body and they provide instant keys for people to feel their heart. We also work strongly with boundaries working on Yes and No and seeing where people are blocked around these and if they are blocked in their bodies. Many people struggle with Yes or No or both which is why they cannot open to their next level of growth.

After Lunch we may engage with more partner work perhaps looking at sadness, shame or anger, some visualization, some visioning about the perfect life for each person and what that would look like and what they need to include in their lives now in order to make their current life connect to this perfect vision. There may be some writing and/or drawing, there can be more dancing but it depends as I follow the energy of the group (it is always different).

The closing ceremony involves everyone giving a gift in the middle of the circle, lighting a candle and making an intention. Each person receives a present from the middle and this is often an amazing process as people receive relevant and surprising presents (it happens every time, amazing but true).

People go home mainly in a beautiful, open and loving state and I get many emails and feedback about how they feel bathed in a sea of love. In this place many things are possible and many clients have made great changes from engaging in new work, meeting a partner or changing an attitude towards themselves.

The weekend or week long retreats also have a similar theme but there is more time to engage deeper with different issues and exercises. We may do more art, writing, deeper work, more dancing, ceremonial things. So it can be very helpful for people although I believe that if is the right time a person can make a shift in 2 minutes or half an hour it is a lot to do with the willing and readiness.

The effect on people is very deep and profound many people have told me they have never felt such love, that they have longed for love and now they know what it is. Many people have dared to start new businesses, get themselves art studios or dare to do something they have genuinely longed to do. Many people have met a new partner or have had deep healing with the current one or have dared to leave a bad relationship. Some people have re-found a deep sexual connection with their partner (where it had closed down). Most come away with a new sense of love, beauty and light and what is possible for them.

The people who come are a massive mix from actors, teachers, coaches, therapists, stylists, journalists, designers to political activists and people who work in corporations. The age I have mainly 2 thirds women to 1 third men but it can be all women too. I have had teenagers and people in their sixties, very rich and very poor. I have mainly white people but also have a good amount of black and asian people coming. On the day workshops it can range from 8 to 22 people though I have run workshops with 60 and with 100.

Day workshops cost £70, though I often work for other organizations where they can charge different prices.

The workshops are aimed at everyone and I have ambitions to take them around the world and also into The Houses of Parliament and get some Lords and MPs dancing.

Hints to take away

1 Practising saying Yes and No
2 Visioning your perfect future and bringing that into your current reality
3 Feeling confident and beautiful (practicing this at home to music)
4 Knowing your really feel good self (once you know something you can always return to it even if you lose it)
5 Many emotional tools to look at your fear, your blocks and your faith
6 Being more in tune with your heart and with love