Monday, 26 January 2009

Happy St Valentines

Hello one and all,

I am writing to say Happy St Valentines and to encourage you to tell those you love that you love them and also to think of sharing loving deeds and thoughts with others. I really feel that Valentines can be a reminder not just of romantic love but of love of others and that we are all connected all the time.

In my family Valentine’s day has not just been for romance and has always been a time to tell each other how much we love each other and we have sent each other cards. I have received cards each year from my Great Aunty Edna, my Dad, my Aunt Jose, Uncle Dick , my Mum and sisters and there has been a lovely warm sense of being cared for. So as I have grown up I have often sent many cards to my nearest and dearest and now I practice telling those I love that I love them. So even if you do not have a romantic partner (or even if you do) why not tell those you love that you love them and make this Valentine’s one to remember. Love is for everyone and it is great to remember more people over this period. There may be many people you can make a big difference to if you tell them how much you care for them.
Or why not tell someone what you appreciate about them and how they make your life easier or better in some way. It can be easy to assume that people realise that they are important but it can make such a big difference to tell them and tell them specifically in what ways they are important!
So I too want to say thank you to all you who help and support me, who read this newsletter, who come to my events and who help me in my life especially my family and friends and people I work with. I really appreciate your love and care and your thoughts. Love and blessings to you.

Also are you still making your prayers and wishes? This is a lovely time at the beginning of the year to take some time to reflect on how you want your life to be. Imagine a lovely picture of you feeling completely happy and notice what is in the picture and how you feel. If you can allow yourself to imagine as much as you can like your dream home, or perfect job or divine family life. Even if at this point you can’t quite see how it could happen just see if you can dare to imagine a wonderful picture for your life. Find somewhere like a lovely tree or a quiet cafĂ© or somewhere you feel really comfortable and write your wishes down. Take some time to think it through and write something lovely for yourself.

I’ll give you an example of how magical things can be. A couple of years ago I wanted to do some comedy and when I thought about it I realised that what I really wanted was to have a part in a comedy series on TV. So I said a prayer that I may do some comedy on TV. Shortly afterwards I was invited to a party at Chinawhite's and I met a Casting Director. I told her I was a Life Coach and Workshop Leader and we swapped cards. About six weeks later she rang me and asked me if I wanted to be in a comedy called Sensitive Skin with Joanna Lumley (a comedy on BBC2) because Joanna was going on a workshop and she thought I would suit the part. I had some lines to say and I was given my own trailor to sit in with three others and I felt that I had totally arrived! I was so excited and I realised that the universe works in such mysterious ways and given me more than I could have imagined. So I do believe our prayers are answered and in so much better way! I am now imagining a house in Chelsea of course! Who knows how these things come about? I feel my job is to stay open to the beautiful process and flow of life and say yes to my wishes coming true!

I wish you love and I wish your loved ones love


Friday, 16 January 2009

Cate in Kuwait

Hello I am writing to say that I am currently in Kuwait running an Open Your Heart workshop and having a wonderful time. I have fallen in love with Kuwait and the Kuwaiti women I am working with and feel such a love for the Arabic values and family life. It really feels as if the West and the East could learn so much from each other and maybe they will and maybe they are and I certainly am. In fact I feel at peace being here with these warm and loving people. Love is so good for the soul.

love Cate